Merry Christmas und ein Freebie von Fotosusu

Merry Christmas.. merry Fotosusu

Hier ist es: Das Weihnachtkit !!!
Ab sofort ist es in folgenden Shops zu erhalten.

Treasures To Scrap

Dragon Flaire Studios

and soon also at Digital Scrap Spirit


Decorated Frames

Make Your Wishes Come True
Ein neues Freebie für Euch !!!!!!!

2 Responses to “Merry Christmas und ein Freebie von Fotosusu”

  1. # Blogger Maria

    Thank you! The DigiFree freebie search engine is about to list this blog post at  

  2. # Blogger k9bigdog

    Thanks so much!! I not only got your freebie but went to Dragon Flair and purchased your Christmas brag book. I couldn't believe it!!! This is PERFECT! It's exactly what I have been looking for but couldn't find anywhere. They are beautiful! Thank you so much for making them!
    Laurie in NY, USA  

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